Nathan Peck
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Building a chat app and deploying it using AWS Fargate
This article walks through the process of building a chat application, containerizing it, and deploying it using AWS Fargate. The result of following along with this guide will be a working URL hosting a public, realtime chat web app.
Task Networking in AWS Fargate
Deep dive into networking on AWS Fargate, including the new AWS VPC networking mode and how it works with Elastic Network Interfaces
Moving from Monolith to Microservices with Amazon ECS
I developed a tutorial on how to containerize a monolithic application, break it up into various microservices, and deploy them using Amazon Elastic Container Service:
AWS re:Invent 2017: Getting Started with Docker and Amazon ECS
I gave this talk at re:Invent 2017, introducing Docker and Amazon ECS. This was an intro level session, so it doesn’t go super deep, but should be useful if you are considering containers!
Choosing your container environment on AWS with ECS, EKS, and Fargate
The Control Plane When deploying containers on AWS the control plane is your entry point to running your application. It is the interface that you will interact with when you want to launch an application, query the state of an application, or shut an application down.
A quick (opinionated) guide to securing data on AWS now!
The EU General Data Protection Regulation goes into enforcement in May 2018. It applies to “all companies processing the personal data of data subjects residing in the Union, regardless of the company’s location.
Running Containerized Microservices on AWS
This AWS whitepaper covers strategies for running containerized microservices on AWS. It combines the 12 factor application principles with container best practices. I contributed several sections to the whitepaper, including “Smart Endpoints and Dumb Pipes” and “Decentralized Governance”.
Using AWS Application Load Balancer and Network Load Balancer with EC2 Container Service
Amazon Web Services recently released new second generation load balancers: Application Load Balancer (ALB), and Network Load Balancer (NLB). This was accompanied by a rename of the previous generation of load balancer to Classic Load Balancer.
Granular Application Architecture Patterns
One of the recent trends in server side application development is to decompose a large application into smaller pieces which are more granular. This article explores application architecture patterns, starting from the venerable monolithic application, to smaller microservices, and finally the most granular pattern of all: functions as a service.