Nathan Peck
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Streamline Building and Deploying Containerized Applications - AWS Innovate
I gave this talk and demo for AWS Innovate. I introduce the basics of infrastructure automation with infrastructure as code, and then introduce and demo to different abstraction tools for working with infrastructure: AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK), and AWS Copilot
Workshop: Explore the foundations of AWS containers
This is a workshop that guides you through the process of using AWS Copilot to deploy microservices on AWS
Your first Node.js container on AWS
You are a Node.js developer. You have written Node code and can run your application on your local developer machine, but you aren’t really that familiar with containers and container orchestration.
AWS on Air ft. AWS Cloud WAN
At the AWS Summit 2022 Farrah Campbell and I did an interview for AWS on Air, about AWS Cloud WAN, and new capabilities for AWS to define wide area networks with the help of the AWS backbone!
AWS on Air ft. AWS DeepRacer
At the AWS Summit 2022 Dani Traphagen and I did an interview about new capabilities in AWS DeepRacer to better enable educators and other organizations to share an AWS account with students and other event participants.
AWS on Air ft. Badge That!
At the AWS Summit 2022 Dani Traphagen and I did an interview for AWS on Air, about new learning badges available in AWS Skill Builder to prove that you know your AWS stuff!
Migrating Fargate service quotas to vCPU-based quotas
Official AWS blog about new vCPU based quotas for AWS Fargate
Diving into Amazon ECS task history with Container Insights
Container orchestrators like Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) are constantly watching over your application, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, more attentively than any human operator ever could.
Scaling containers in AWS with ECS, EKS, App Runner, Fargate, and Lambda
For this Containers from the Couch episode I joined Adam Keller, Justin Garrison, and Vlad Ionescu to talk about scaling container workloads on AWS. We discussed recent improvements to task launch rate with Amazon ECS and AWS Fargate and Vlad’s detailed benchmarks which compare the task launch rates across Amazon ECS and Amazon EKS, with both EC2 and Fargate capacity.